random concept

In: Examined planes

The random concept of a search for the critical plane was designed together with the globe analogy concept look there, if you would like to know more about description of the examined plane position. Values of both necessary Euler angles are bordered the first one (move on the meridian) ranges from 0 deg to 360 deg, the second one from 0 deg to 90 deg. Values inside these limits are set by a call for a random value, which is related to the ranges mentioned above.

Results of random concept were not very good there was not any optimization of the critical plane direction in those times. Thus the density of examined planes directions had to be too great in order to get at least acceptable results. There was no further checking of this method capabilities after the optimization was implemented. The process line is implemented, but it should be verified, if it leads to acceptable details and if the gain stemming from the randomization of the search process is really significant.

The option Number of scanned planes of the Calculation Methods dialogue describes number of planes, for which the randomnly set pairs of Euler angles are generated. If the optimization is on, the number of planes examined further increases.


critical plane methods

Optimize <1~yes, 0~no>

globe analogy concept

Bannantine-Socie concept

Calculation Methods dialogue

© PragTic, 2007

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